A beautiful 60ft waterfall located on private property but the property owners generously allow public access.
This waterfall is a photographers dream come true. Can you imagine having something like this in your backyard? The public that the property owners share this beauty. It is such a beautiful place to visit and is very easy to reach.
Just south of Rosman North Carolina off Highway 178 is the beautiful and easily reached waterfall – Eastatoe Falls. It is a 60ft picture perfect beauty that is located in an immaculate section of the forest that just happens to be in someone’s backyard. It is one of those places that you have to experience, not just view. It’s true that this waterfall is located on private property; however the homeowners generously allow people to visit the falls and provide an easy method to access this stunning Carolina waterfall. The trail to the base of Eastatoe Falls is only about 100 yards up a slight incline making this a nice short hike for those with small children. This short hike is also taking you to the base of the waterfall so there are no steep cliffs to worry about with the kids.
Eastatoe Falls is located off Highway 178 in Rosman North Carolina. It is about 3 miles south of the city center of Rosman or just 3 miles north of the South Carolina border. As you approach the driveway for the falls, there are a series of small fishing ponds and you will make a turn between two of these ponds. There is a sign on the road that reads “Mountain Meadow”. The waterfall is located on private property so you will literally be pulling into someone’s driveway. As you pull in and go past the ponds, look for a small sign in the front yard directing you to the right of the property around the back of the house. As you drive around back there is another sign directing you where to park. Please respect this area so that the public continues to have the privilege of visiting the falls in the back yard. Use common courtesy like trying not to start your hike too early in the morning or too late in the day. Keep your pets on a leash and don’t leave any litter behind. Remember, if you pack it in, pack it back out.
The trail to the falls starts at the far end of the backyard just past the grass parking area. The trail is short and straight and very quickly, if not immediately, you will hear the falls and then catch a glimpse of Eastatoe Falls. When you reach the falls the trail splits with a sign pointing to the upper path which provides the best view of the falls. The lower path leads to the creek and doesn’t have as good a view.
The upper path is only 30-40ft and ends at some wooden stairs that bring you down to the perfect spot for getting the best views of the waterfall.
Eastatoe Falls is truly a magical spot and the fact that the landowners share this treasure with the general public is beyond words.
When you have finished enjoying this beautiful location, walk back to the parking area and remember to continue to be respectful of this private property.
Looks like this might have been closed to public access? Are there any updates?